產品標準 Standard
The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706-91、GB12666.5-90、GB/T17650-1998 and GB/T17651-1998 or IEC and DIN and ICEA.
適用范圍 Applications
本產品適用于工頻額定電壓0.6/1kV-26/35kV 輸配電線路作配送電能之用。
The product is suitable for power transmission and distribution lines with rated voltage 0.6/1kV-26/35kV.
使用特性 Operating characteristics .
Rated power frequency voltage U0/U:0.6/1kV-26/35kV.
PVC insulated power cable Max . permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor should not exceed 70 ℃,XPLE permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor should not exceed 90℃.
Max Short –circurrt temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250.(5s maximum duration)
The installation temperature should not below 0℃
The flame-ratardant properties of cable comply with the requirements specified in A kind of GB12666.5-90
The flame-retardant properties of lower halogen cable comply with requirements specified in A kind of GB12666.5-90 except compluing with requirements specified in GB/T17650.2-1998 .
The flame-retardant properties of no halogen cable comply with requirements specified in A kind of GB12666.5-90 except compluing with requirements specified in GB/T17650.2-1998 .and GB/T17651-1998.
Three bending radius of a single core should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter
Two bending radius of a three-core cable should not less than 15 times of the cable diameter.
電纜額定電壓的選擇 Voltage designation
U0- 電纜設計用導體與屏蔽或金屬套之間的額定工作電壓;
Um –設備可承受的“高系統”電壓的大值。
可根據現場使用環境不同,定制符合客戶使用環境的電纜 | |||||
編碼器電纜 | 卷筒電纜 | 高溫電纜 | 防火電纜 | 詢價熱線 0550 - 7305800 | |
機器人電纜 | 信號電纜 | 風能電纜 | 通訊電纜 | 防鼠防蟻電纜 | 補償電纜 |
起重機電纜 | 機車電纜 | 電力電纜 | 交聯電纜 | 耐火電纜 | 阻水電纜 |
阻燃電纜 | 控制電纜 | 光伏電纜 | 船用電纜 | 本安防爆電纜 | 丁腈電纜 |
電機引接線 | 拖令電纜 | 扁形電纜 | 鎧裝電纜 | 扁平電纜 | 扁型電纜 |
充電樁電纜 | 扁平電纜 | 弱電電纜 | 電伴熱帶 | 計算機電纜 | 扁電纜 |
銅包鋁電纜 | 拖鏈電纜 | 電梯電纜 | 變頻電纜 | 硅橡膠電纜 | 電纜價格 |
伴熱帶電纜 | 特種電纜 | 電纜廠家 | 屏蔽電纜 | 變頻器電纜 | 丁晴電纜 |
氟塑料電纜 | 組合電纜 | 礦用電纜 | 柔性電纜 | 行車扁電纜 | 耐寒電纜 |
耐高溫電纜 | 低溫電纜 | 耐磨電纜 | 防水電纜 | 耐油防腐電纜 | 純銅絞線 |
航空航天電纜 | 耐火電纜 | 硅橡膠扁電纜 | 低煙無鹵電纜 | 屏蔽信號電纜 | 螺旋彈簧電纜 |
PUR聚氨酯電纜 | 柔性伺服電纜 | 鐵路機車電纜 | 電梯隨行電纜 | 抗拉耐磨電纜 | 補償導線 |